Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): Addressing the Subjective through Arts Education

					View Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): Addressing the Subjective through Arts Education

Each paper in this issue has, either explicitly or covertly, focused on the individual and the subjective in education. In Cartlidge’s work, this was in reference to methods for utilising personal narrative when helping adults understand their world. For Jacobs, it was in terms of exploring how personalised experiences, presented through students’ aesthetic texts in secondary drama, are accommodated by teachers. Österlind explored a similar concept, with similar students, but in terms of accounting for and utilising the ‘emotional’ within the curriculum. Stimson entered the highly personalised world of dream analysis, and the nal paper – in contrast, but with similar results – quantitatively analysed the impact on the individual of leadership style and disciplinary climates in a university. This has proved to be an enlightening issue for JACE, one that broadens our concept of the individual, the subjective, and creativity in education.

Published: 2018-04-11